Life is an act of conversation. As the stories of our lives develop, they intersect with those of the people around us. This continuous contact with others challenges our preconceptions while also bringing nuance and adding richness and flavor to our waking days. Still, we hardly give it a second thought.
Pieces of art, too, are constantly in conversation. They come into existence meaning one thing, or nothing in particular, only to have millions of spectators attaching various personal meanings to them. Talking about pieces of art can lead to new perspectives. Similarly, the mere act of placing two previously unrelated works next to each other can open an entirely new dialogue.
“Hidden Conversations” aims to uncover this constant process back-and-forth by inviting different artists, coming from a true variety of backgrounds. Sometimes, their works will complement each other quite organically. At other times, the conversation might be more rough and unexpected. During this group expo, we invite the conversations between these works, the artists and the spectators to come to the foreground.
Experience the polyphony with us, and come add your own voice to the mix, too.
Artists: Anthony Duffeleer, Anthony Leenders, Haleh Chinikar, Hans Temmerman, Hernan Marin, Laurenz Coninx, Polly Pollet, Romane Iskaria, Sam Scarpulla, Steven Antonio Manes
Exhibition dates: The exhibition will open on June 15, 2024, and will continue for a duration of three weeks, concluding on July 7, 2024. Address: Pand00x
Blekersstraat 1 00X, Kortrijk
Vernissage: Saturday, June 15th, from 2 PM to 8 PM
Saturdays and Sundays from 2 PM until 6 PM by appointment only: +32 479 39 96 82